National Nutrition Week - Stay Healthy and Fit
National Nutrition Week was launched by the Food and Nutrition Board in 1982 and is observed throughout the country in the first week of September which is September 1 – 7. Globally 1 in 5 deaths (11 million in total) in 2017 were associated with poor diet, reveals a Lancet study which tracked trends in consumption of 15 dietary factors from 1990 to 2017 in 195 countries. The same report ranked India at 118, in terms of the lowest rate of diet-related deaths. Low intake of whole grains (below 125 grams per day) was the leading dietary risk factor for deaths and diseases in India. The figures raise an alarm and a question mark on the status of India, the second most populous country in the world.
To tackle these health problems and create awareness among people about the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet, the central government celebrates National Nutrition Week in the first week of September for nearly four decades.
Good Nutrition is necessary because
- With a poor diet, well-being is reduced.
- Helps to manage a healthy weight.
- Maintains the immune system.
- Provides energy.
- Delays the effect of ageing.
- Reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
- Healthy eating also affects your mood positively.
- A healthy diet increases life span.
- Also, a healthy diet increases focus
How to eat healthy while working from home
- Hydrating your body helps to eliminate toxic elements from the body and prevent infection. Choose healthy options like water, lime juice, coconut water, smoothies, and not soft drinks that can add to empty calories and can lead to other health issues.
- Long stressful work hours can trigger munching of easily available processed foods. Make a healthy choice like bajra puff, makhana, or dry fruits over junk.
- Plan an entire day’s meal that includes small meals instead of large meals to avoid overeating those extra calories and putting on weight.
- Aim for no more than two cups of coffee per day. Having access to endless cups of coffee might seem like a great idea. Too much is known to cause anxiety, digestive issues, etc.
- Make a nutritionally balanced meal plan that keeps you fuller for long, helps to focus, and makes you more productive.
There's no denying the fact that the changed work paradigm has impacted the eating habits and fitness routine of many working professionals. Although some professionals have transformed this opportunity into an avenue to pursue a healthy lifestyle and follow an exercise plan, many of us have felt the pressure of these unprecedented times. This lockdown has, perhaps, brought along extended working hours, the additional responsibility of household chores, continued child-care with the children being at home constantly, and restrictions to movement.
The convenience of working from home has inversely affected the physical and mental health of many “work from home” professionals, with changes in meal timings and constant connectivity to work. To counter the ill effects that these irregular habits have brought along, a balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management, and some form of exercise should be included in our everyday routine.
The 7-Minute Workout That Actually Works
This workout allows one major muscle group to rest while you work the next muscle group, resulting in a super-efficient, super-effective routine that can improve your health and decrease body fat — and it can be done in the comfort of your home.
How to use this list
Perform each exercise below at a high-intensity effort for 30 seconds. For exercises that target two sides (such as your legs), alternate sides for 30 seconds. Rest for 5 seconds after each exercise. This circuit can be repeated 2 to 3 times, if desired.
1. Jumping Jack
This is a gym classic — but you’ve gotta move fast! Stand with feet hip-width apart. Jump feet open as you raise your arms to form an X shape. Jump feet back together as you lower arms to your sides.
2. Push-up
Start in high plank, wrists under shoulders, core engaged. Lower your chest to the floor, keeping legs, hips, and back in a straight line. Press into palms to push back up.
3. Crunch
Lie faceup on the floor with knees bent and arms reaching toward feet. Press the lower back into the floor and engage the core to lift shoulder blades off the floor and slightly forward.
4. Step-up
Stand facing a chair or stool and lift your right foot onto the seat. Press into the heel of your right foot to lift your body onto the chair, balancing on the right leg. Slowly lower back down to the floor. Switch legs and repeat. Continue to alternate.
5. Squat
Stand with feet just wider than hip width, hips stacked over knees, knees over ankles. Hinge at hips, then send hips back. Bend knees to lower your body. Keep chest lifted while lowering to at least 90 degrees. Rise and repeat.
The workout
Grab a timer or download a stopwatch app. Perform the exercises in order, completing as many reps of each as you can in 30 seconds. Be sure not to compromise form for speed.
Rest for 5 seconds between exercises. To make this workout even more challenging, complete the circuit 2 or 3 times in a row.
Time to change your DIET Plan
To remain healthy, energetic and have a better immune system, you can replace your regular diet plan with a nutritious diet plan.
Breakfast: Begin your morning with a hot bowl of oatmeal, add some dry nuts and fresh fruits to it. This high fiber meal will give an energetic beginning to your day. If you crave for Tea and Coffee in the morning, then, take one small cup of tea or coffee made up of soymilk with brown sugar.
Lunch: It is another important meal of the day because it includes both vegetables and flour in the meal and it is extremely nutritious. Although people skip this meal to ensure their consistent weight, it is undoubtedly a foolish idea to do so. Skipping a meal is the most dangerous step for anyone’s health. One should take a proper, vegetables, rice and pulses loaded meal at this time. One can include a fresh vegetable salad with this meal.
Evening Tea/snacks: Generally, people feel hungry in the evening hours so they usually take a tea break for that. But, the consumption of tea is not nutritious for the human body. So, you can replace your evening tea with soups, juices, or fruits. You can replace fried snacks with baked and boiled vegetables and cereals.
Dinner: It should be the lightest meal of the day. People should not take any heavy meal after 8 pm, otherwise, it does not get digested in the meantime and harm your body. Definitely take boiled vegetables in this meal.
This remote working pattern due to the pandemic can take a toll on health. Eating healthy along with other healthy lifestyle changes is essential to keep the mind and body in good shape, especially in these difficult times that can otherwise prove to be stressful.